Hailing from the Labyrinth of the Island of Crete, the Minotaur was defeated by the hero Theseus thousands of years ago. When the End Times began, though, the monster reemerged, hungering for battle. This fearsome foe fights with a colossal axe, and can harness the power of the Labyrinth to summon walls of earth from the ground. By crashing into these walls with its devastating charges, the shrapnel it sends flying can be lethal.
Home Country: Greece
Likes: The sound of crunching bones
Dislikes: Humans
An apex predator of the far north, the Akhlut was feared by the Inuit people. Resembling a half-Orca, half-Wolf, this beast had not been seen for centuries. During the End Times, it seeks new quarry: humankind. Capable of diving beneath both land and water, this monster’s speed and cunning are unmatched. Plus, its Howl ability can stop both warriors and the ball dead in their tracks.
Home Country: Canada
Likes: Playing fetch
Dislikes: Fleas
Taking the form of a towering skeletal monster, the Gashadokuro is one of the most feared evil spirits by the people of Japan. It consumes both the bodies and souls of those who perish in war and famine, although many thought it was just a legend. It looms over the pitch with its colossal size, swiping and crushing its foes, incinerating them with its fiery breath, and summoning accursed shrines that cover the field in flaming Soul Orbs.
Home Country: Japan
Likes: Consuming the souls of the damned
Dislikes: Paperwork
Quetzalcoatl, which means “the feathered serpent”, was seen as holy by the Aztec people. Said to have dominion over the sun and the wind, this creature disappeared with the lost empire that revered it. As the eclipse of the End Times neared, its wrath became once more known by humanity. This monster devours all warriors in its path, and grows itself in the process. It can split off segments of its body into storm clouds, which it can detonate as thunderbolts to damage enemies.
Home Country: Mexico
Likes: Loud music
Dislikes: Cold climates
The Great Sphinx was one of the most iconic landmarks in Egypt for generations. It was long thought to be just that: A landmark. As the End Times began, it revealed its true form, the monstrous master of riddles itself. An ever-wise master of necromantic magic, the proud Sphinx summons undead mummies to do its bidding on the pitch. The Sphinx can also place curses on Warriors, corrupting them into joining his vile army.
Home Country: Egypt
Likes: His mummies
Dislikes: His mummies, when he's having a bad day